Next livestream:
Free Your Mind Symposium Series:
6:30 - 8:30 PM: A conversation with Torch Literary Arts Founder and Texas Poet Laureate Amanda Johnston. Dalia Azim, author and Deputy Director of the Texas Book Festival, will facilitate the conversation. Hear Amanda Johnston's thoughts on her role as an artist concerning Nina Simone's statement that "an artist's duty is to reflect the times." Following the talk, Dalia Azim, will then facilitate a community Q&A to close out the evening.
In response to the ongoing global health crisis and endemic violence experienced by Black and Brown people, in 2020—the Carver Museum and Six Square joined forces to create Stay Black and Live.
What started as a livestream has now become a fixture of Austin’s citywide Juneteenth celebrations. This year's programming and music festival runs from June 15 -19, 2024.
George Washington
Carver Museum &
Cultural Center
1165 Angelina Street
Austin, Texas 78702
(512) 974-4926